Dr. Caroline Ngo is a retail pharmacy manager at Walmart and is licensed in the state of Texas and California. She originally started with Walgreens in 1998 as a pharmacy technician and worked throughout pharmacy school at the University of Houston. She did a Community Pharmacy Practice Residency with Walgreens in collaboration with the University of Houston in 2003 and completed her M.S. in Pharmacy Administration, University of Houston in 2005 with a thesis on: Evaluating Over-the-Counter Drug Use/Misuse in HIV Infected Patients.
She was the selected as the pharmacy manager to work with Access Care of Coastal Texas, Galveston County Health District and Coastal Health & Wellness, a 340B program, to dispense PrEP. She actively attended luncheon and dinner programs hosted by UTMB, ACCT and Gilead to not only maintain and keep up-to-date on educational knowledge but also saw it as an opportunity to network and be in the community and was excited to have pharmacy representation at Galveston Pride for the past years.
She was appointed with the Public Policy and the Associations Affair councils of the Texas Pharmacy Association since 2019. She has actively attended the annual TPA conference and participated in Texas Pharmacy Day for the past many sessions. She was appointed as one of the delegates for Texas at the House of Delegates at APhA's annual conference 2022, one of the few new ones selected since most delegates have been serving for decades. She believes that each of us has a duty to represent pharmacy and it won’t happen if we don’t get involved. When we don’t speak up, we lose our chances for advancement of the profession.
She precepts students starting from high school all the way to graduate pharmacists. She likes to empower others to obtain their highest potential and also, in that mentor relationship, she too, will be empowered by her mentee.
She sees many opportunities for VAPhA to grow and expand and be the voice for pharmacists in our community. We hold key events throughout the year with an extensive number of health fairs, CE opportunities, our big fundraising event the VAPhA gala to help fund our scholarship program, mock interviews, representation with VieTV every Tuesday and we have a great collaboration with the local pharmacy student organizations who are all part of our team.